200,000 academic staff in UK universities typically work in office space that differs significantly from the rest of the country’s offices. While most academics work in their own individual offices or in small group offices, the majority of office-based employees in the rest of the economy work in open offices shared with many other people. Is this difference essentially due to the special nature of academic work? Do academics really need individual offices, or should they use shared offices like most other office workers? This was hotly debated at the recent seminar Reimagining Academic Workspace, which was hosted by AMA on 16 October 2013. A report which summarises the discussion is available here.
Director Alexi Marmot was interviewed on the Simon Mayo show on Radio 2 on 18 July 2013. You can listen to it here (start at 21:30 minutes).
Director Alexi Marmot was also featured on Radio 4 in 'The search for the perfect office.' Listen to the programme here.
Consultant Jennifer Singer's interview with James Heather of Argent for Client Conversations has been featured in July 2013's RIBA Journal article entitled 'Common Purpose' by Eleanor Young. You can read the article online.
Alexi chaired a BIFM Workplace Special Interest Group debate on 22 May 2013 at Haworth’s Clerkenwell showroom, entitled ‘Form & Function? Do you need office designers to create a great workplace environment?’ It was a lively discussion that challenged conventional wisdom about workplace design.
Alexi Marmot spoke at SCHOMS conference on 14 May 2013 in Aberdeen on 'Altered space, technology, minds: Reshaping support for pedagogy.' For more information click here.
The BBC interviewed Alexi Marmot for this article featured in 28 March 2013's magazine: 'The pleasures and perils of the open plan office.' You can also listen to the radio broadcast.
Mike Williams interviewed AMA Director Alexi Marmot for his programme The Why Factor. Listen to the broadcast here (click on 15 February 2013 - 'Open Plan Offices.')
Director Alexi Marmot spoke on a panel at The CIBSE Conference and Exhibition on 10th October 2012 about 'Delivering sustainability from start to finish in a cost-effective way.' The panel discussed and evaluated strategies to ensure sustainability throughout the lifecycle of a building. They also debated the financial aspects of different business models and the implications of new legislation on these strategies.
Director Alexi Marmot presented 'Maximising Workplace Interaction: design for knowledge transfer' on Thursday 26th April 2012. This presentation was organised by The Facilities Management Association and hosted by Condeco, Herman Miller and AMA.
Director Joanna Eley spoke at the 2012 Ecobuild conference in London on Occupant's behaviour and their ability to make the most of buildings' sustainable design capabilities on a panel which focused on ‘Buildings in use.’ David Jenkin presented his work on the recently completed John Harvard Library, Southwark, at this year's IFLA conference in Gothenberg, Sweden. IFLA presentation
In February 2009 Nigel published the article Mind Games in On Office, the workplace design magazine. In it he explores the impacts of psychological needs on workplace design by looking at core theories of psychology.
Nigel Oseland wrote an article in the October 2008 issue of Premises and Facilities Management on The Evolving Workspace. In it he explored the social, technological, economic and political factors of future trends in work styles and environments.
In May 2008 Nigel gave a presentation to the British Council of Offices (BCO) Conference in Brussels, introducing the new BCO Guide to POE. This outlines what Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is, why it is useful, what it consists of and what kind of results can be expected.
In June 2008 Nigel gave a presentation on designing offices to improve business performance at The Impact of Office Design on Business Performance event at Herman Miller. The event was held at their new National Design Centre in London and was attended by architects, designers, HR professionals and office managers. Nigel's presentation explored the consequences of designing workplaces for psychological and social requirements.
Director Alexi Marmot was profiled in the July 2008 edition of Mix Interiors. In it she talked about the philosophies behind the work of AMA and outlined some recent projects.
In summer 2007 Alexi Marmot created the Living Learning Lab at UCL's Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, to demonstrate by example how small scale space interventions can aid the student learning experience. Herman Miller provided most of the furniture and have published it as a case study. The response from staff and students has been excellent.
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