Royal Institute of British Architects, 2013, Client Conversations
Scottish Funding Council, 2012, Matching post-16 investment to education outcomes
Royal Institute of Architects, 2011, Sustainable buildings: the client's role
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, 2009, Future health: sustainable places for health and well-being
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, 2008, Sure Start Children's Centres: A post-occupancy evaluation.
British Council for Offices, 2007, Guide to Post Occupancy Evaluation
Department for Communities and Local Government, 2007, Achieving design quality in Fire and Rescue Service Buildings
Scottish Funding Council, 2006, Spaces for Learning: a review of learning spaces in further and higher education
JISC, 2006, Designing Spaces for Effective Learning
Space Management Group, HEFCE and others, 2006, Promoting Space Efficiency in Building Design
Home Office, 2005, Design Quality for Police Buildings.
CABE, 2004, Creating Successful Masterplans: a guide for clients
CABE, 2003, Creating Excellent Buildings: a guide for clients
CABE & Sport England, 2003, Better Places for Sport
Research and best practice guidance
Many clients commission AMA to write reports based on original research and case studies. Our clients include RIBA, British Council for Offices, British Institute of Facilities Management, CABE, Heritage Lottery Fund, Home Office, Office of Government Commerce, Sure Start programme, Sport England, Joint Information Systems Committee JISC, Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Executive and the UK Higher Education Space Management Group.
These reports publicise good design and share lessons learned.